Does Ice Hockey Have Cheerleaders? (NHL Teams Listed)

Does Ice Hockey Have Cheerleaders? (NHL Teams Listed)

Cheerleading is a big part of other major sports, such as basketball and football, so the question arises whether hockey has cheerleaders? There are no official cheerleaders in Ice hockey, but there are very similar ice girls. However, the responsibilities of ice girls vary from cheerleaders in other sports. Their main job is to plow…

All About Zamboni Drivers: What Is It, Salary & More

All About Zamboni Drivers: What Is It, Salary & More

Zamboni, also known as ice resurfacer, is a fascinating sight to see when you’re watching ice hockey. The drivers and their unusual machines certainly are mysteries because they appear, get the job done, and disappear as quickly as they came. In this article, you will learn everything there is to know about Zamboni drivers, including…

Why Do Hockey Players Spit? (& Why They Chew Mouthguards)

Why Do Hockey Players Spit? (& Why They Chew Mouthguards)

When you watch hockey regardless of league, whether that’s a local match or an NHL game, you will see players spitting a lot. In this article, I’ll walk you through why hockey players spit so much, among other things. Hockey players spit so much because intense physical exercise increases saliva production. Also, spitting right after…

Why Does Ice Hockey Have Three Periods? (4 Valid Reasons)

Why Does Ice Hockey Have Three Periods? (4 Valid Reasons)

In my recent article, I explained how long hockey games last, and there it came to knowledge, among other things, that hockey has three periods. However, I haven’t yet explained why, so that’s what you’ll find in this article and more. Ice hockey has three 20-minute periods because the ice will be worn out and…