Why Do Table Tennis Players Wear Wristbands? (3 Motives)

Why Do Table Tennis Players Wear Wristbands? (3 Motives)

Amazingly, playing table tennis allows you to enhance your winning potential in several ways, even though you need to be strategic with your moves. That’s why you often see different players having different styles in their gameplay. For instance, you might notice some players stand too close to the table almost leaning on it, while…

6 Ways To Improve Hand-Eye Coordination For Table Tennis?

6 Ways To Improve Hand-Eye Coordination For Table Tennis?

If you’ve ever watched a professional ping pong match, you’ll know there’s not much to see largely because the players are so excellent that the ball is hit too quickly for your eyes to keep up! Ping pong necessitates not only intense concentration but also extraordinary hand-eye coordination. How can you, therefore, improve your hand-eye…

What Ping Pong Paddles Do Olympians Use? (The Best Ones)

What Ping Pong Paddles Do Olympians Use? (The Best Ones)

You must know what achieving perfect hand-eye coordination, activating social interactions, and maintaining optimal health means when you play ping pong. It is for this reason that Chinese players dominate the world championships. Their first experience in the championships was about a century ago, and they have no intention of letting the sport down. So…

Table Tennis Vs Ping Pong: What Is The Real Difference?

Table Tennis Vs Ping Pong: What Is The Real Difference?

Table tennis and ping pong games are the same sport. However, over time ping pong has turned out to be the informal version of table tennis. While on the other hand, table tennis has grown extensively into an Olympic sport. Nevertheless, to tell anything between these two sports, it will depend on your perception of…