7+11 Tips For Softball Tryouts? (The Ultimate Guide)
Softball tryouts can be daunting, scary, and overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. However, if you know what to expect, how to dress, and how to stand out from the others, it is almost certain that you will gain a position in a team given that your skills are at the same level as the others.
In this article, I will give you tips on how to dress and how to stand out at softball practice, in addition to what to expect there altogether. Without a further due, let’s start learning, and with that, secure your position on the team!
What to Expect At Softball Tryouts?
If you have softball tryouts ahead, it is a big and serious thing that will certainly place some butterflies in your stomach. To ease some of the tension, you need to know what to expect at softball tryouts?
At softball tryouts, you can expect registration, introductions, stretching, warm-ups, running bases, infield & outfield drills, batting drills, and specialty drills for pitchers and catchers. In addition, to the physical attributes, the coaches are constantly monitoring your mental attributes.
So, at softball tryouts, they are testing your skills regarding softball, so the actual tryout program will be very straightforward as everything is done with great guidance. It’s not like you need to determine what to do yourself on your own.
However, doing well at tryouts isn’t just the drills and practices as you need to stand out from the other participants. This is where you can get the upper hand over the others even though skills matter the most, but certainly not everything.
Now, let’s take a tour of what to wear at softball tryouts and how to stand out like no other. Stick with me, and you will do just fine and even better at your tryouts!
What to Wear for Softball Tryouts & Practice?

When your softball tryouts are coming, or you have an important practice to attend, you need to be prepared to perform well and look good on the field. This requires the proper softball gear. So, what should you wear for softball practice?
For softball tryouts, you should wear proper equipment as you were already on the team. This shows dedication and seriousness to the scouts and coaches so that you will be remembered better. To take this further, wear bright colors that will make sure you stand out from the crowd.
It’s as important to stand out from the crowd as wearing proper equipment at tryouts because not everyone will have a place on the team. Anyways, more on standing out later. Now, I’ll walk you through the essential equipment and clothes you should wear to softball tryouts.
1. Softball Shirt
Your shirt is where you can get the most real estate in terms of people noticing you. The shirt stands out the most, so be sure to wear something that you will be remembered by.
This can include bright colors, something funny, or my personal favorite, your name on the back that you will definitely be noticed.
For example, you could order a shirt from Amazon to insert your name and change a bright color. Or, you could get a funny softball shirt that will most certainly leave a mark on the coach’s mind. Anyways, keep in mind that brings, funny, or your name will be the best chances to be remembered by.
2. Softball Pants
Many people say that wear shorts or sweats to softball tryouts, but that isn’t something you want to do. You need to wear proper softball pants to tryouts because that shows dedication and seriousness towards the tryouts and softball.
If someone comes and makes a home run with shorts, then well, the shorts won’t be an issue by a long shot, but to be remembered by, softball pants are your best chance. Also, performance-wise, softball pants are a smart choice.
I recommend Mizuno Softball Pants as they are designed exclusively for women (low rise); they have tunnel belt loops and double material on the knees.
3. Sliders
Sliders, also known as compression shorts, are essential because when you make feet first slide, they will protect you from gravel and dirt on the path to the base.
The design on sliders is flexible, breathable, and mid-thigh length that you wear under your softball pants. This won’t be noticeable for others, but you will see a performance improvement, and you are more willing to dive those serious feet first dives that will get you noticed.
My favorite sliders are from Easton as they are slightly longer and thicker than most models giving you the protection you need, and are very breathable despite the thicker design.
4. High socks
Don’t wear ankle socks when it comes to socks because that’s something you will instantly regret. Instead, use high socks that go all the way to your knees.
High socks that go up to your knees will protect you from abrasion, just like sliders, and they provide comfort with cushioning from the right places, and the gravel that will enter your pants won’t be a big deal.
A thing you should keep in mind is that they can’t be too tight as they could slow down your circulation, and that wouldn’t be good. Go for a snug and slightly tight fit, and you will be golden.
5. Turf shoes or Cleats
I recently did an article about turf shoes vs. cleats for softball and concluded that turf shoes are almost always the go-to choice here.
If you don’t have either, you should invest in a pair of great turf shoes such as 3N2 Mofo Turf Trainers. In short, turf shoes are more comfortable, safe and will do less field damage than cleats.
However, if you have a pair of cleats lying around, then, by all means, use them for your tryouts, as they are designed for softball as well. In the long run, turf shoes are better tough!
I don’t recommend using regular trainers as they aren’t designed for softball, and tryouts are too important to do with half effort.
6. Batting gloves
To show off your swinging skills, batting gloves are a big help. I wouldn’t deem batting gloves absolutely necessary for tryouts, but showing that you come prepared shows initiative and, again, gives you scores in terms of standing out at the practice.
In addition, if you are trying out to a softball team, the chances are that you will need batting gloves of your own shortly.
To give you an idea of what a great pair of batting gloves look like, the Seibertron Batting Gloves aren’t too bulky, have incredible grip, and are breathable that are the essentials on good batting gloves.
7. Leave your jewelry behind
Finally, if you have any jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, be sure not to take them on the field with you.
In addition to that, you will look like you don’t care about the tryouts; they can get stuck on anything really, and it can be dangerous for you, or you will be picking up pieces of your jewelry on a field that will make you stand out on a wrong way.
However, if you have belly piercings that are hard to take out without the piercing hole closing, tape it over carefully, and you will be good.
To learn more about softball, jewelry, and piercings, check out my informative article about it, and you will know exactly what to do.
How to Stand Out at Softball Tryouts?

Now that you know how to dress for your softball tryouts, it’s time to think about how you will stand out! This step is vital for you to pass the tryouts and get a place on the team.
Of course, your skills are the biggest part that will get noticed, but there are many other ways to leave a big impact on the minds of everyone watching. Let’s get started!
1. Prepare for everything
Before going to the tryouts, be sure you have everything you need, have all the asked items with you, and have a couple of desired positions to play, as most tryouts ask for that.
It may or may not be necessary to have your own batting gloves, glove, and other items with you but if you have your own, be sure to take them with you as it shows initiative and dedication.
To learn more about the 9 softball positions, check out my informative article about the required traits and responsibilities the positions have, and see if you can find one you like.
Oh, and be on time, and I mean a little earlier than on time.
2. Dress like you take softball seriously
You already got the chance to read the guide on what to wear to softball tryouts, but it isn’t in vain to recap it shortly.
You should definitely wear something that will make you stand out, meaning bright colors, get a shirt with your name on it or something hilarious that is softball-related.
More importantly, look like a serious softball player instead of a recreational softball hobbyist. There will be people wearing shorts and regular trainers, which is a golden opportunity for you to stand out of the crowd by dressing as a softball player.
3. Don’t hide your smile
People who smile are always noticeable and liked, so even when you have butterflies on your stomach as tryouts are so important, make sure you smile, laugh, make new friends, and look like you are at home, as you probably are! Don’t hide it!
4. Talk and be present
When a coach or person of interest is talking, don’t be behind the crowd but give more of yourself, be present, and participate in the discussions when it is fitting to do so.
Don’t be afraid to ask about the different positions, the team, advice, or anything really. The more you talk and are present, the better picture you paint out of yourself, and thus, you will be easily remembered.
5. Show interest
In tryouts, there is a good chance of someone asking for volunteers. If that happens, raise your hand no matter what! That shows initiative, leadership, and interest, which makes you look really good. In fact, probably everyone on the tryouts is interested, so why not show it well?
In addition, if you are unsure about something, don’t be afraid to ask, and the person you should ask it about will be thrilled that you did so.
6. Give everything you got
This goes without saying, but you need to give your 100% to impress the coaches or whoever is making the decisions over there.
Sprint like never before, swing that bat like you are insane, and catch and dive as your life depended on it. Believe me, it will show, and you will be well remembered, and you will impress everyone, which is the best way to get a place on the team!
7. Take risks on the field
Do you know what people are the most successful in life? Risk-takers! This applies to softball tryouts as well. If you have a decent chance at running from base to base, go for it and don’t hesitate. This will again show to the coaches, and they will love it.
You can take risks all the time. For example, diving, catching balls, swinging, bluffing. Take risks, and you are one step closer to a position on a team.
8. Don’t be a poor loser
If something can be offputting at tryouts, it’s losing like you are at preschool. Being a poor loser won’t affect only your coaches but your teammates, everyone watching, and even yourself.
If you lose, make a misjudgment, don’t catch where it would be awesome to do so, take it like a breeze, and you will be better off in every way.
Remember that coaches don’t just evaluate your physical attributes, but your mind too. If you come off as a drama queen or an overreaction, nobody wants that on a team. In addition, it’s better for your mental state as well to lose dignity.
9. Remember to be a leader
A softball field is a place to be a leader, boss, and a person that doesn’t ask for advice for everything. We humans have a primal ability of instincts and gut feelings. Follow those feelings and don’t hesitate or turn to someone’s advice at every turn. As it turns out, this is something that the coaches are for lookout as well.
If you are independent, you will gain respect from the coaches. If you turn to your parents or other tryouts at every turn, it isn’t something that the coaches want on a team.
10. Have fun with it
I know that tryouts can be very overwhelming and scary, but the basic point of softball is to enjoy your time and have fun! This applies to softball from little league to the professional level.
When you have a good time and enjoy yourself, that will catch on to others, and that is something valuable needed for every team!
11. Make yourself stand out when you leave
Last but not least, when the tryouts are at an end, think about something that will make you stand out for the final time. For example, ask a coach whether you can help pack everything, ask meaningful questions, and thank them for great tryouts.
Only the sky is the limit here, really, and try to think of something unique and original. However, read the situation and don’t be too pushy either.
My Favorite Softball Equipment
Thanks for reading this article. I hope it brought you great value that you can implement into your own life! Here are my top softball equipment recommendations that I think will take your game to the next level.
- Bat: My favorite certified fastpitch softball bat is the Easton Ghost. This bat has a double-barrel construction which is incredible if you are looking for a great feel and are a fan of satisfying pop and sound. The handle is a great bonus as it’s great to hold on to and very thin. The technology used for this bat provides great durability and flexibility. This bat comes in various styles and sizes.
- Softball: The best softballs, in my opinion, are the Franklin Sports Official Softballs. These affordable yet official featured balls are perfect for practice if you want to train with a similar ball as in a real game. These balls have the official 12-inch circumference and weight. The yellow color makes it easy to spot, and the flat seams enable minimal air resistance so that they will fly consistently and far.
- Glove: Rawlings Liberty Advanced Fastpitch Glove should be introduced to every softball player. The 12.5″ size makes it a breeze to catch and secure softballs. The glove is very comfortable as it’s made from full-grain leather, and the pull-staps will perfect the fit. The design is breathtaking as well. Be prepared for a little break-in time tho.
- Fan Equipment: If you’re a fan more than a player, you don’t want to miss Fan Equipment by Fanatics. You can find items from various sports that bear your favorite team’s logo, such as jerseys, gift ideas, or other surprising things.