Butterfly Lezoline Rifones
When you look at the best table tennis shoes available in the market today, there is no doubt in our books and any other person’s books that the Butterfly Lezoline Rifones shoes are the best you can have for your feet. Of course, the price that these shoes come with can also justify how great they are as a pair will surely cost you a lot of money. Nevertheless, if you are after a good pair of table tennis shoes that will bring you the bang for the buck, nothing else comes close.
We like these shoes because they were intricately designed to actually fit the standards that table tennis professionals need from a good pair of shoes. When designing the Butterfly Lezoline Rifones shoes, the people behind them really considered the usual demands of a table tennis player in terms of how well the shoes should perform. This is why these shoes come with the best support you can get from table tennis shoes. On top of that, they are very comfortable and stylish as well.
We love the fact that the shoes have a great upper material made of KPU so that they can be very comfortable while you are making all of those sudden movements. Meanwhile, the midsole is flexible enough without sacrificing the cushioning a good pair of table tennis shoes needs. Of course, let’s not forget about the fact that it comes with a lightweight outsole with great traction to make sure that your feet are planted firmly on the floor.