Do You Need Spikes to Play Cricket? (6 Things To Consider)

Do You Need Spikes to Play Cricket? (6 Things To Consider)

Generally, individuals participate in sports, which can either be outdoors or indoors. These sports normally require specific pieces of equipment and gears to be worn for protection. For a sport like cricket, it’s imperative to put on the necessary gears suitable for playing a match.  These gears may include the shin pad, arm guard, gloves,…

Why Is a Cricket Pitch 22 Yards Long? (Simple Answer)

Why Is a Cricket Pitch 22 Yards Long? (Simple Answer)

Cricket sports is much developed today. You can’t compare its state at the moment with the position it was in the mid-17th century. However, despite the changes, there are some rules and formations that haven’t changed since then. For instance, the cricket pitch is still 22 yards long as it was then, with few modifications…

Difference Between Batting And Bowling Shoes?

Difference Between Batting And Bowling Shoes?

Differentiating batting shoes from bowling shoes can be pretty tricky at times, especially when you are a non-professional or you are new to the game. Because they are carrying out different and unique responsibilities, their shoe design is usually different. The shoes are tailor-made to meet those peculiarities their responsibilities demand.  Batting shoes are the…