Why Can The Cullen’s Only Play Baseball In A Thunderstorm?

Why Can The Cullen’s Only Play Baseball In A Thunderstorm?

If you’re a fan of Twilight and love baseball as well, then you might have noticed that the Cullen’s love baseball. The Cullen’s are the vegetarian vampire family in the movie series Twilight. What makes their sport choice so weird is that they seemed only to play baseball when it’s a thunderstorm outside. Why is…

Where Does The Worst Player Play In Baseball? (Real Truth)

Where Does The Worst Player Play In Baseball? (Real Truth)

Baseball is a demanding sport with many different areas to master. These skills include batting, throwing, running, catching, and having a good game IQ. Then, there are nine different defensive positions in baseball, including four in the infield and three on the outfield. In addition, the positions include a pitcher and catcher that can be…

Can The Sun Cause An Error In Baseball? (& How To Block Sun)

Can The Sun Cause An Error In Baseball? (& How To Block Sun)

When you think about outdoor sports and the weather, there can and will be many reasons and situations making the sport harder or impossible to play. One thing that can make baseball harder and more confusing is the sun! Imagine fielding and losing the ball into the sun. Can this cause an error? Generally, the…

Can A Baseball Umpire Change His Call? (& Why They Won’t)

Can A Baseball Umpire Change His Call? (& Why They Won’t)

If you have watched baseball at all, you will know that there are arguments about the judgments all the time. However, sometimes, the umpire misinterprets the rule, which is seen by most people watching and playing. There are other situations when an umpire should change their call, but the question is, can they? Baseball umpires…