Killerspin Canvas
Sometimes you need to take table tennis outdoors, and there are many hazards for the racket, such as moisture, high temperatures, and debris. Enter, Killerspin Canvas which has been designed to withstand these conditions!
This racket is the most durable and for a good reason. It’s weather-resistant, and you can take and leave it outside without the slightest worry about breaking it (if you don’t intentionally try). The racket is made from plastic and durable hard rubber, which is a great combination for good control and spin!
If a racket is an outdoor model, it doesn’t mean that it is of low quality because you can have as good a recreational game with this as with an indoor racket. However, it does differ from professional rackets because it isn’t meant for tournament playing, and neither is it allowed.
Great bonuses for this racket are that it has two colors: Black and Cherry red. It is also really affordable, and it comes with a personalized memory box, so it fits perfectly as a gift. Outdoor table tennis hasn’t ever been more enjoyable than with this racket.